Southampton Boat Show 2020

CANCELLED (11th - 20th September 2020 )
Southampton, UK

The 2020 edition of the Southampton Boat Show was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however the organizers are looking forward to welcoming everyone back in 2021.

The 2020 edition of the Southampton Boat Show was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however the organizers are looking forward to welcoming everyone back in 2021.

The show was due to take place from 11 to 20 September at Mayflower Park, Southampton on the south-coast of England.

The Southampton Boat Show will return next year, running from 10 to 19 September 2021 at Mayflower Park. The show is based in Europe’s largest purpose built marina and displays a large number of yachts for sale, from superyachts to personal watercraft to tenders.

A smaller, socially distanced event, BOATS2020, has been arranged to replace the cancelled show. It also takes place at Mayflower Park on the same dates as the Southampton Boat Show 2020 was planned for.

Southampton Boat Show 2020 Location

Mayflower Park, Southampton, UK SO15 1ST

Southampton Boat Show 2020