Support Vessel Tours & Reviews

As the name suggests the primary job of a support yacht is to support the main yacht by carrying extra staff and equipment. Their popularity has continued to grow over the years, as larger and larger superyachts are being built and needing support.

However these boats, also known as shadow vessels, are actually capable of much more and this is reflected in the fact that they are some of the fastest evolving boats in the industry design wise, with many buyers recognising their proficiency and using them as standalone yachts to exploit the many possibilities they offer.

Finding your dream yacht is serious business, so make sure you make full use of our site and explore our advice section by following the link in the menu bar, above.

Alternatively, you can view the latest videos and review for support yachts, as well as read our team’s expert opinion on how these yachts compare with verdicts, section-by-section scores, and full imagery

Damen YS 5009 Review (2016 Edition)

Damen YS 5009 Review (2016 Edition)

The Damen YS5009 is a bit of a trailblazer. It fulfilled the superyacht support vessel role before the boom in support...

by Jack Haines

Damen YS5009

Damen YS5009

by NautiStyles

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