Yacht Haven Grande Miami officially becomes a Foreign Trade Zone

Offering a very useful option for Owners and prospective yacht buyers, Yacht Haven Grande Miami has become the latest US marina to officially become recognized as a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ), allowing tax unpaid foreign-flagged yachts to dock. 

Working closely with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, there are some notable new perks attached to the popular marina, which is the only marine FTZ available in the Miami-Dade County.

Joining a list of established US Foreign Trade Zones, US Owners in Miami will finally have the opportunity to view and buy foreign-flagged yachts for sale with no cap on how long a yacht can stay within the vicinity. 

Stating 'it’s the perfect one-stop sales zone', IGY’s regional director, Gili Wojnovich, is keen to emphasize that the amenities of the FTZ will be made available to Owners, yachts and crew throughout the year for both brokerage yachts and new builds.

Artist impression of Yacht Haven Grande Miami at Island Gardens.

Rebranded from Island Gardens Deep Harbour to Yacht Haven Grande Miami at Island Gardens following the IGY acquisition in October 2020, the marina can comfortably accommodate superyachts up to 167 meters (550ft), further adding to the appeal of the new FTZ status.

Using the facilities in the designated areas, some of the most attractive perks, along with no limitation on staying periods, are deferment, reduction or even foregoing the taxes usually required up front while using the US marina. 

As the waters inside the FTZ are not classed as US waters, the importation of foreign-flagged yachts also benefits from lessened fees and duties attached to importing goods, enjoying the liberations of fellow FTZs including Safe Harbor Newport Shipyard and the Lauderdale Marine Center. 

Arranging a visit to an FTZ is an ideal way of saving on fees and taxes on new and existing models. If you're looking at buying a foreign-flagged yacht, take a look at all the available new and used yachts for sale.