Navigating Europe Made Easier: New Entry Rules for British Flagged Yachts

Easier entry for British yachts as France and Greece revamp non-EU regulations.

Changes to the rules governing non-EU leisure craft arriving in or departing from France and Greece will make life considerably easier for visiting British-flagged boats.

France's New Entry Protocol

Thanks to the efforts of The Cruising Association (CA), which has spent years lobbying the European Commission and national government departments, all owners of British yachts will soon benefit from these changes.

Starting June 01, a new protocol will apply to small boats entering France from outside the EU/Schengen area. Previously, boats had to enter via a few major ports with Points de Passage Frontaliers (PPF) status, such as Calais and Cherbourg. Now, British boats can choose from 53 harbors and marinas along the French coastline, newly approved as ports of entry.

british boat cruising cote d'azur
british boat cruising greek islands

This expanded list includes popular destinations along the Brittany and Normandy coastline, such as Carentan, Binic, Carteret, and Quibéron. Skippers must email a specific form to their chosen PPF port or marina in advance of arrival or departure. Officials will process these forms locally, allowing stamped papers to be picked up on arrival or emailed for departures.

Detailed advice and the full list of PPFs are available on The Cruising Association’s website.

Greece's Updated Regulations

On May 24, the Greek Government updated its laws regarding foreign-flagged vessels. While boats still need a Transit Log on arrival in Greece, those with Union Goods status—proof of EU VAT having been paid—are now issued UTLs (unlimited transit logs). This change alleviates the need to check into and out of every controlled port.

Boats without Union Goods status will still receive limited Transit Logs, valid for 18 months, and must continue to check in and out as before.

These regulatory changes in France and Greece represent significant steps toward easing navigation for British leisure craft, enhancing the boating experience across these popular destinations.