Content Standards

  • Introduction

    • The terms and conditions set out in this document (“Content Standards”) shall apply to any Content provided by an Advertiser to YachtBuyer, for the purpose of YachtBuyer publishing the Content on the YachtBuyer Platform. For the purposes of these Content Standards, “Content” includes (without limitation) any copy, artwork, text, data, photographs, slides, video clips and/or other material advertising a vessel, the Advertiser and/or any products, services and/or promotions offered by the Advertiser.

    • These Content Standards also set out the standards that any Content must comply with and the consequences if any Content fails to comply with such Content Standards.

    • These Content Standards are provided subject to the Main Advertising Terms & Conditions which are incorporated in these Content Standards by reference. Terms defined in the Main Advertising Terms & Conditions shall have the same meaning in these Content Standards.

  • Content Standards

    • All Content delivered for publication on YachtBuyer's platforms must:

      • be accurate in its description of the vessel being displayed and any services provided;

      • comply with all applicable legislation and regulation (including, without limitation, the FCA rules for consumer credit promotions);

      • comply with YachtBuyer's Advertising Guidelines as may updated from time to time; and

      • to the extent that the Content contains any marketing claims, the Advertiser must be able to substantiate those claims and comply with all relevant advertising legislation, codes, and standards (including the CAP Code).

    • Content delivered for publication on YachtBuyer’s platforms must not:

      • contain any material that is subject to third-party intellectual property rights or other third-party proprietary rights (including rights of privacy or rights of publicity), except where the Advertiser has a licence to use such material and to sub-licence the same to YachtBuyer as part of the Content;

      • be defamatory or derogatory of any person or organisation;

      • contain any strong profanity or inappropriate content or be obscene, offensive, threatening, inflammatory, abusive, hateful, racist, anti-religious, or sexually graphic;

      • be in any way discriminatory or promote discrimination of any kind;

      • be pornographic or violent;

      • disclose any personal information in respect of any individual (and personal information for these Content Standards is any information that can be used to identify a person or contact a person by any means);

      • impersonate any person or misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any person or company;

      • be likely to deceive or mislead any person;

      • be unlawful or advocate, promote, incite any third party to commit or assist any unlawful or criminal act or contain any description or mention of illegal activity;

      • contain a statement that is direct or indirect encouragement or other inducement to the commission, preparation, or instigation of acts of terrorism;

      • drive traffic to another website or notify users of a promotion not approved by YachtBuyer or otherwise attempt to make a commercial gain;

      • contain any spam;

      • contain text or audio not relevant to the vessel being described;

      • be in any language other than English;

      • be irrelevant or off-topic; or

      • contain a url or link to any other site except the Advertiser’s profile page or landing page (hosted on the YachtBuyer Platform).

  • Moderation

    • Although Content may be monitored by YachtBuyer, we are under no obligation to Advertisers or to any other person to oversee, monitor, or moderate any Content.

    • YachtBuyer expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with the Content and the Advertiser shall be liable for any third-party claims which arise in connection with their Content.

    • In delivering Content, the Advertiser confirms that it has, and will continue to have during the publication of the Content, all the necessary rights, licenses, consents and permissions required to display the Content on the YachtBuyer Platform.

  • Breach of these standards

    • Without limitation to any other right or remedy YachtBuyer may be entitled to, if any Content breaches these Content Standards, YachtBuyer reserves the right to remove the Content in question.

    • YachtBuyer reserves the right to permanently prevent any Advertiser from delivering Content if such Advertiser has materially or repeatedly breached these Content Standards.

    • A breach of these Content Standards by any Advertiser shall be deemed to be a breach of the Main Advertising Terms and Conditions and YachtBuyer be entitled to such rights and remedies available to it thereunder.

    • YachtBuyer excludes liability for all action it may take in response to breaches of these Content Standards. The actions YachtBuyer may take are not limited to those described above, and YachtBuyer may take any other action it reasonably deems appropriate.

  • General

    • Advertisers shall not use, in any part of the Content, any intellectual property rights (including copyright and trademarks) owned or controlled by YachtBuyer or otherwise imply any association with or endorsement by YachtBuyer without the express written agreement of YachtBuyer.

    • YachtBuyer shall notify Advertisers of any changes to these Content Standards from time to time in accordance with the Main Advertising Term and Conditions.

    • YachtBuyer is not obliged to continue accepting the delivery of Content from Advertisers and reserves the right to stop accepting the delivery of Content from Advertisers at any time without reason.