Law reversed to allow large yachts to fly US flag

Large yachts allowed to register and fly US flag

Large yachts allowed to register and fly US flag

President Donald Trump has made history for the yachting community by reversing a law established in 1920 that stated yachts were vessels with a maximum volume of 300gt.

Taking effect from August 13 2018, the new law allows yachts over 300gt to legally register in the US and subsequently fly the nation's flag. 

Until the passing of the new law, only commercial superyachts were permitted to register and fly the star spangled banner. A holdback on the previous laws was that all the yachts had to be built in conjunction with operational and construction standards for commercial vessels. This meant that owners living in the US had to register their yachts under alternative flags to take advantage of more innovative designs. Aside from this solution around the legislation, only the most determined yacht owners could obtain a waiver through congress. At this time only two yachts hold the waiver which are the M/Y Freedom (46m) and M/Y Limitless (96.25m).

The economic impact of more large yachts flagging the US could be significant, as these large vessels would now provide more high-profile opportunities for American crew, keep yachts travelling in US waters, and spend more time in our repair and refit yards.

Kitty McGowan

USSA president

A further US Large Yacht Code is currently under development by the US coast guard, which is scheduled to come into effect from 2020. Until then, any private yacht over 300gt, which is MCA compliant, will be allowed to register and fly the US flag.