Monaco initiates enhanced sustainability drive

Superyacht industry initiatives into sustainability have gained further traction as the Monaco Yacht Show paves the way for further education and acknowledgment in the field.

Kicking off with the launch of a Sustainability Conference at the start of the latest event in Port Hercule, Monaco has indicated more commitment to prioritizing the welfare of the environment.

Collaborating with SYBAss, the Water Revolution Foundation and the Superyacht Life Foundation, the inaugural Sustainability Conference spoke out on how the industry is combatting effects on the ecosystem, and what progress has already been made.

Largely taking place as a panel discussion, representatives from the organising bodies as well as shipyards Feadship and Baltic Yachts all gave insights into what is happening behind the scenes, including the 15-year research from Feadship looking at transitioning to renewable fuels.

Speakers on stage during a conference at the Monaco Yacht Show.

As well as the ongoing developments across the fields of research being discussed, the curated panel were also keen to divulge the details of the new Sustainability Hub opening its doors at the 2022 Monaco Yacht Show.

Showcasing projects and companies that show dedication into minimizing environmental footprints, the Sustainability Hub only featured brands that had all been verified for eligibility by the Water Revolution Foundation. Ensuring authenticity towards the cause throughout the exhibit.

The Hub has a leading role in showcasing innovative and future superyachting solutions.”

Gaëlle Tallarida

Managing Director

Monaco Yacht Show

Side view of the Sustainability Conference at the Monaco Yacht Show. Speaker at podium talking to small seated audience.

While there was plenty of talk and illustrations on how the superyacht industry has been moving forward already, the conference also touched on design prospects of yachts to reduce environmental impact, but enhance efficiency.

Philippe Briand, a naval architect, got into the technical elements of yacht design and provided a host of thought-provoking material for industry professionals, including the application of low-resistance hull designs usually found in sailing yacht naval architecture to modern day motor yacht hulls.

Panel of speakers seated on stage at Monaco Yacht Show during a question and answer session at the Sustainability Conference.

Proving to be a valuable new asset to the Monaco Yacht Show, the Sustainability Conference is likely to return for the 2023 Monaco Yacht Show alongside the Sustainability Hub.

To find out more about the yachts that are currently on the market, take a look at our full listing of all yachts for sale.